Event Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in promoting your event through the Westfield Indiana Calendar of Events. We are more than happy to help spread the word about your event!

Please review the Event Calendar Guidelines below before submitting your event. Inclusion in the Calendar is up to the discretion of the Westfield Chamber of Commerce and/or the Westfield Events Calendar Community Partners.


  • Priority listing is given to those events that are open to the public and of interest to potential Westfield visitors.
  • Fundraisers, membership-only events, and meetings will be accepted for those organizations verified by the Westfield Chamber.
  • Businesses that wish to post an event must be a recognized partner of the Westfield Chamber of Commerce.
  • Homeowners Associations garage sales or events are accepted. Garage sales or other events not affiliated with a business or organization will not be accepted.
  • Events outside of Westfield, Indiana, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Classes and educational workshops are accepted.
  • Submissions should be received at least one month in advance; earlier is preferred. Please allow 7-14 days for your post to be reviewed.
  • Please submit a brief 50–70-word description, along with a high-resolution photo or event graphic/advertisement, the event name, location, sponsoring organization, contact information, hours, location, ticket prices (link to tickets), and a valid website address to link to your event post.

What do we do with your Event/s ?

When community partners submit events to us, they are considered for inclusion in promotional materials and our social media outlets. In addition, events are included in publications/websites that the Westfield Chamber and Visit Westfield may advertise in/on. Your submission does not guarantee inclusion in promotional materials, social media outlets, or publications.

Submit your Event